Contact Us

Co-Foundations Ltd

15b Carlton Road


W5 2AW


Tel: +44 7827 445 404




Property Costs Review

The easiest £1 of profit made is the pound not spent.

Property occupation costs are normally one of the highest costs in any business and there are many opportunities and intiatives which can be explored with a view to reducing these costs. This can be by way of one off cost savings or savings made year after year.


Co-Foundations has years of experience in initiating and managing such property cost reduction both in the UK and across many European markets.

Typical savings arise from:


  • Lease renegotiations and lease re-gearing
  • Store Maintenance
  • Shop-fit costs
  • Rates and Water Rates reduction
  • Energy Saving initiatives
  • Electricity procurement
  • Store Disposals
  • Space efficiency review

A fresh pair of eyes will always provide opportunities for further savings and cost reduction.


Contact Us for a review of your property occupation costs and the systems and the procedures which lie behind.

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Registered Company Number: 07192108