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Co-Foundations Ltd

15b Carlton Road


W5 2AW


Tel: +44 7827 445 404




Location Strategy

The Store Location Strategy should drive any decisions on new store openings, resites and store refit investment.

The data derived from analysing the performance of the existing store portfolio and the various store types both in and out of town, is invaluable when formulating such a Location Strategy.

Considerable experience has been gained in most European markets by formulating Location Strategies using such an approach.

Location Strategies have been formulated in the fashion, sportswear, childrenswear and mobile telephone markets. This coupled with an in depth knowledge of having actually visited all of the most desirable retail destinations across Europe, provides a unique combination of skills and information.

This approach enables any client, the opportunity to assess the drivers of Store Performance and understand the potential of any new market entry or roll out across the various European markets. Working either directly or briefing a preferred external specialist consultant, the resulting Location Strategy presented bu Co-Foundations, should ensure that investment is directed at the best opportunities.

Such investment opportunities can be prioritised using various datasets available including:

  • Catchment analysis
  • Demographic anaylsis
  • Retail spend
  • Footfall and Shopping Centre visitor numbers
  • Sales densities
  • Grading of locations and location types


Such an approach is a proven method and any risk is substantiually reduced on retail property investment decisions.

Successful store investment is more than just about ‘Location Location Location.'


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Registered Company Number: 07192108