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Co-Foundations Ltd

15b Carlton Road


W5 2AW


Tel: +44 7827 445 404




Interim Management

Most successful businesses are in a constant state of change – in fact if they are not in transition, they are stagnating.

Interim management offers the short-term assignment of a proven heavyweight executive to manage a period of transition, crisis or change within an organization. In this situation, a permanent role may be unnecessary or impossible to find at short notice.



Co-Foundations used as an Interim Management solution can:


  • Offer a hands-on executive consultant with substantial experience and a proven track record.
  • Assist in the recruitment of a permanent replacement Property Director where relevant, using an extensive network of contacts in the Real Estate sector gained over 25 years.
  • Manage projects, manage change, give additional support to implement a business opportunity or give support when existing management are absent or fully-stretched.
  • Focus exclusively on the project in hand, and unlike many in-house executives, have no hidden political agenda.
  • Offer full time or part time consultancy, with a wide range of skills and knowledge in the Real Estate market and for as long as the assignment is needed.
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Registered Company Number: 07192108