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Co-Foundations Ltd

15b Carlton Road


W5 2AW


Tel: +44 7827 445 404




Property Department Reviews

The quality of the store portfolio and maintaining the standards of the in-store environment , are vitally important to any retail business as they are customer facing.

So having the right Team Structure in place and the Performance Management of that Team, is essential to achieve the Business Strategy and Objectives

An appraisal can be completed on your Property Function to assess and review:

Property Objectives – ensuring they are aligned to the Business Strategy

Skills and Resources – identifying gaps in expertise

Team Structures – including roles and responsibilities

KPI’s – performance measures and reporting

In/out Sourcing – identifying the most appropriate approach to the various activities

Achieving the right balance in all of these areas is essential to make sure the best performance is being achieved from your Property Team.

If you would like an appraisal and review of your Property Team with recommendations on how improvements can be made - Contact Us.

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Registered Company Number: 07192108